In the Critical Urban Planning Workshop at York University, graduate students in the Master of Environmental Studies program participated in a series of research projects and presentations as part of a larger study on student housing affordability with StudentDwellTO. Here we highlight some of the topics covered in the course.

Student Housing Co-operatives
- Aida Mas Baghaie, Nick Brownlee, Omar Elsharkawy and Raven Williams, developed and presented 4 models that could potentially provide a short to long term viability to the current affordability crisis facing post-secondary students in Toronto, Canada. In collaboration with Douglas Young, this student led research examined what role student co-operatives could potentially play in addressing housing affordability issues.
Privatization & Affordable Student Housing
Natasha Chadenga, Darren Pigliacelli, Adlar Gross and Reva White presentation analyzed the QUAD residence in the context of a university owned and operated residence on York University campus and other privatized student residences in Toronto. This research also examined mechanisms and alternative models that could incentivize and assist the private sector in providing more affordable student housing.
Multi-Tenant Housing & The Student Experience in the York Village
The purpose of the research undertaken by Amar Lad, Brandon Stevens, Jose Gamez, Mallory Nievas and Veronica Osei-Akoto, was to understand the lived experience of students living in unpermitted and unregulated multi-tenant houses in the York Village community. Students partnered with City of Toronto staff from the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division to explore the question “what are the main issues faced by students living in multi-tenant housing in the York Village and how can this community and form of housing be a viable solution for students?”
@StudentDwellTO 2019 | A collaboration between University of Toronto, Ryerson University, York University, and OCAD University.