StudentDwell+ Speaker Bios

PhD Candidate, Adult Education and Community Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
PhD Candidate, Adult Education and Community Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
Derya Tarhan is a PhD Candidate in Adult Education and Community Development at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto. His doctoral thesis assesses renewable energy co-operatives in Ontario from an "energy democracy" perspective: What are the changes brought about by renewable energy co-operatives, both at individual and collective levels, that contribute to the democratization of Ontario's electricity system? Derya's other research interests include the social economy, energy co-operatives, political ecology, social movement learning, and community development. He has also worked as the Project Coordinator for the People, Power, Planet (PPP) Partnership, a SHHRC-funded research initiative to assess, document and share experiences of community energy development across Canada and beyond. Derya also founded and is currently managing The Community Power Report, a global resource hub for community-owned renewable energy initiatives.
@StudentDwellTO 2019 | A collaboration between University of Toronto, Ryerson University, York University, and OCAD University.