StudentDwell+ Speaker Bios

Zachary Spire
Post Doctoral Research Associate, University College London, Institute of Education
Post Doctoral Research Associate, University College London, Institute of Education
Zachery researches student housing and student engagement. His PhD on student residential accommodation and student engagement was completed under supervision of Dr. Vincent Carpentier and Dr. Bryan Cunningham at the University College London Institute of Education. At present, his work is split between Amsterdam (Netherlands) where he is Head of Research & Training for an NGO and London (England) where he is completing a post-doctoral studies project on student residential accommodation with Professor Alexi Marmot (University College London Bartlett faculty of the Built Environment). Zach is passionate about student housing, sports, coffee and reading. If you have any recommendations for a good book or would like to ‘coffee talk’ either virtually or in person please drop him a message or follow him on instagram/twitter @inspireations.
@StudentDwellTO 2019 | A collaboration between University of Toronto, Ryerson University, York University, and OCAD University.